
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Hello there! In this post I wanted to introduce to you to some of the important people in my life!

I will start by introducing you to some of my friends. Not all of my friends, of course, because that would take FOREVER. I have so many friends. Because I am so awesome. I have to fend people off all the time. Like, no I can't be friends with you right now, I am very busy! Not really. I have an average amount of friends, probably, and they are important because they take such good care of me! Sometimes I think it must be really hard to be my friend, because I can be really exhausting, like having twin infants and a puppy and trying to get legal immigration status exhausting. But they are still my friends anyways, they should get awards. I drew you pictures of them so you can picture them when I mention them in future posts. They are quite true to life drawings, so if you see them around you can recognize them and say hello!

This is my friend Anise. She is my oldest friend. Not like, she is old. She has known me longer than anyone.

This is my friend Bud. She pretty much is awesome. She saves my life all the time, and now she is going to school to save lives. I should have written her a recommendation letter, I write her pretty good ones. You should ask her about it sometime.

This is my friend Elizabeth. She is probably my most grown up friend. She does all this grown up stuff. It is impressive. I get tired if I try to think of all the grown up stuff she accomplishes. AND she is going to be a mom soon, crazy right?

My friend Meredith is growing a baby. She talks me off ledges all the time. She also gives really good advice like, stop getting on ledges. Sigh.

My friend Julie Ann generally goes along with my ideas. She is a smart friend, but I am tricky see, because my ideas sound harmless in the beginning... Before she knows it- dangerous!

Sasha moves at the speed of light. I am pretty sure she will run the world one day. And look fabulous doing it. She was in the running for being my most grown up friend, but then I thought of how much justin bieber we listened to the last time we were together.

Kimmi can high kick like a mofo. See picture.

This is le boyfriend. He is pretty cool, I guess. He lives here with me, how grown up right?! His mustache does not really look like that, it looks more like this.

He does not really speak french either. We have two dogs! I would draw them too, but drawing people is hard. I can only imagine stick dogs would be harder. And they would look all sickly and someone would call animal control and be like- "you guys need to take those dogs away, you should see how horrible they look!"  Because someone would not understand they were stick dogs like the stick people above them. Some readers are assholes like that. Not you though obviously. Anyways we have a old lady dog and a tiny baby puppy. In fact my tiny baby puppy is asleep on my lap right now, she wrote Meredith's profile first it said. bokjahdfkjjjjj;;;jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjiuo0. But I didn't think that described Meredith very well.